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So far admin has created 20 blog entries.

Laborant til udførelse af forsknings- og udviklingsopgaver


Bioneer A/S udvider og søger derfor en laborant med bred molekylær- og cellebiologisk erfaring. Om Bioneer: Bioneer er en kontraktforskningsvirksomhed inden for det biomedicinske og bioteknologiske område. Bioneer A/S ejes af DTU og løser især opgaver for virksomheder, men arbejder også for hospitaler og universiteter, og deltager desuden i danske og udenlandske forskningssamarbejder. [...]

Laborant til udførelse af forsknings- og udviklingsopgaver2021-09-13T11:41:00+00:00

Laboranter til 2 nyoprettede produktionsstillinger


Laboranter til 2 nyoprettede produktionsstillinger Bioneer A/S udvider igen aktiviteterne inden for fremstilling af proteiner og søger laboranter til 2 nyoprettede produktionsstillinger Vi søger initiativrige og selvstændige laboranter til spændende og udfordrende stillinger, hvor I vil blive en del af det voksende team, der fremstiller protein på GMP-niveau. Om Bioneer: Bioneer A/S er [...]

Laboranter til 2 nyoprettede produktionsstillinger2021-09-13T11:41:15+00:00

Bioneer & COVID-19 projects, collaboration with UNION therapeutics


Bioneer supports companies in their quest to help COVID-19 affected people around the world. In 2020, there has been an increase in new research projects to find novel therapeutic and/or preventive treatments for COVID-19 disease. In the Medicon Valley region alone more than 200 COVID-19-related research projects were initiated according to the report ‘State [...]

Bioneer & COVID-19 projects, collaboration with UNION therapeutics2021-08-26T11:54:01+00:00

SelectScience webinar, A new era of RNA detection, June 28, 2021


Bioneer is delighted to be a part of SelectScience next webinar on June 28th about a new era of RNA detection. SelectScience is holding a webinar on Monday, June 28th at 17:00, where Bioneer’s expert in Molecular Histology Dr. Boye Schnack Nielsen will present a new era of RNA detection: exploring new technologies and prospects. In [...]

SelectScience webinar, A new era of RNA detection, June 28, 20212021-06-29T13:44:48+00:00

ISSCR 2021 – The Global Stem Cell Event Virtual, June 21, 2021


Bioneer is looking forward to participating to the ISSCR 2021, the Global Stem Cell Event Virtual, on June 21st and presenting at the focus session on developments to simplify and accelerate iPSC research with EBiSC. The presentation if part of the Focus Sessions of the ISSCR Annual Meeting, where Dr. Benjamin Schmid and Dr. Mikkel Rasmussen from [...]

ISSCR 2021 – The Global Stem Cell Event Virtual, June 21, 20212021-06-29T13:43:05+00:00

Medicon Valley Alliance’s R&D Network meeting, May 20, 2021


Bioneer is looking forward to participating in the next Medicon Valley Alliance’s R&D Network meeting on May 20th about the research infrastructure in the Danish life science cluster. The Medicon Valley Alliance R&D Network is a professional and social network for C-level R&D executives (CSOs, CMOs, VPs), university professors and PIs, and top-level managers in [...]

Medicon Valley Alliance’s R&D Network meeting, May 20, 20212021-06-29T13:40:52+00:00

Nordic Life Science Days digital conference, April 20-23, 2021


Bioneer is happy to announce that we will be participating in the Nordic Life Science Days 2021, from April 20th to 23rd. Nordic Life Science Days is the largest Nordic partnering conference dedicated to the life science industry. This year the event will be in a digital format, where Bioneer will have a virtual booth, [...]

Nordic Life Science Days digital conference, April 20-23, 20212021-06-29T13:37:38+00:00

Introducing Bioneer’s new R&D programs for 2021-2024


Bioneer presents its new R&D programs 2021-2024 Starting 2021, Bioneer has initiated two very exciting and ambitious R&D programs that during the next four years will strengthen our capabilities and service solutions that we offer to life science companies. We look forward to seeing our R&D organization move these programs forward and be [...]

Introducing Bioneer’s new R&D programs for 2021-20242021-06-29T13:31:17+00:00

Advanced hiPSC-derived in vitro models in toxicology – actiTOX webinar, May 25, 2021


Advanced hiPSC-derived in vitro models in toxicology – actiTOX webinar, May 25, 2021 Bioneer is glad to participate to the next talk of the actiTOX webinar series: “Advanced Organotypic Models for Toxicological Screening” on May 25th. The next talk of the actiTOX webinar series will be presented by Dr. Mikkel Rasmussen from Bioneer on May 25th at [...]

Advanced hiPSC-derived in vitro models in toxicology – actiTOX webinar, May 25, 20212021-06-29T06:09:18+00:00

Pitfalls and best practices for CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing webinar, May 25, 2021


Pitfalls and best practices for CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing webinar, May 25, 2021 Bioneer is looking forward to hosting a LIVE webinar with Samplix on May 25th, on pitfalls and best practices for CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing.  The webinar has 2 presentations on the agenda, by Dr. Benjamin Schmid from Bioneer and Dr. Peter Mouritzen [...]

Pitfalls and best practices for CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing webinar, May 25, 20212023-05-09T05:34:53+00:00
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