We develop CNS models based on iPS cell lines and immortalized cell lines. Our team use gene editing, neural differentiation technologies and image-based screening to develop models that mimic CNS diseases like Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease. 

We understand the complexity of CNS in vitro modelling, and we can custom design or tailor CNS models to fit your purpose. 

Our typical work flow for developing  CNS models is: 

  • Differentiation to neuronal subtypes relevant for the CNS disease of interest 
  • CNS assay development powered by Bioneer’s High Content Imaging Platform 

We have a wide variety of state-of-the-art equipment for development of CNS assays. 

  • High Content Imaging (ImageXpress Micro Confocal High-Content Imaging System Molecular Biodevices) 
  • MEA for electrophysiologic analysis (MEA High Density Microarray) 
  • High-throughput flow cytometry analysis (BD FACS Lyric) 
  • Advanced molecular analytical tools 

We have established a collection of neurodegenerative disease models, such as a variety of related knock-in models with disease specific familiar and risk factor mutations (e.g. Alzheimer’s, Frontotemporal dementia) and iPSC derived blood-brain-barrier models. 

We are constantly developing our CNS modelling skills and would be happy to share the latest updates. 


For further information
please contact:

Dale Shelton, PhD

Director of Business