Architectural organization and molecular profiling of 3D cancer heterospheroids and their application in drug testing


Architectural organization and molecular profiling of 3D cancer heterospheroids and their application in drug testing Authors: Boye Schnack Nielsen, Natasha Helleberg Madsen, Jesper Larsen, Isabella Skandorff , Monika Gad and Kim Holmstrøm. Published in Frontiers in Oncology Abstract 3D cancer cell cultures have enabled new opportunities for replacing compound testing in experimental animals. However, [...]

Architectural organization and molecular profiling of 3D cancer heterospheroids and their application in drug testing2024-08-01T15:49:16+00:00

Gluten Degradation, Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Tolerability of TAK-062, an Engineered Enzyme to Treat Celiac Disease


Gluten Degradation, Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Tolerability of TAK-062, an Engineered Enzyme to Treat Celiac Disease Authors: Ingrid Swanson Pultz (PvP Biologics, Inc), Malcolm Hill (PvP Biologics, Inc), Joanne M. Vitanza (PvP Biologics, Inc), Clancey Wolf (PvP Biologics, Inc), Lasse Saaby (Bioneer A/S), Tina Liu (Takeda Pharmaceuticals International Co), Peter Winkle (Anaheim Clinical Trials), Daniel [...]

Gluten Degradation, Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Tolerability of TAK-062, an Engineered Enzyme to Treat Celiac Disease2024-08-01T15:51:22+00:00

Development of a fully human assay combining NGN2-inducible neurons co-cultured with iPSC-derived astrocytes amenable for electrophysiological studies


Development of a fully human assay combining NGN2-inducible neurons co-cultured with iPSC-derived astrocytes amenable for electrophysiological studies Authors: Pei-Yu Shih (Janssen Pharmaceutica NV), Mohamed Kreir (Janssen Pharmaceutica NV), Devesh Kumar(Janssen Pharmaceutica NV), Frederik Seibt (Janssen Pharmaceutica NV), Francisco Pestana (Janssen Pharmaceutica NV), Benjamin Schmid (Bioneer A/S), Bjørn Holst (Bioneer A/S), Christian Clausen (Bioneer A/S), [...]

Development of a fully human assay combining NGN2-inducible neurons co-cultured with iPSC-derived astrocytes amenable for electrophysiological studies2024-08-01T16:07:00+00:00

Detection of lncRNA by LNA-Based In Situ Hybridization in Paraffin-Embedded Cancer Cell Spheroids


Detection of lncRNA by LNA-Based In Situ Hybridization in Paraffin-Embedded Cancer Cell Spheroids Authors: Boye Schnack Nielsen (BioneerA/S), Jesper Larsen (BioneerA/S), Jakob Høffding (BioneerA/S), Son Ly Nhat (BioneerA/S), Natasha Helleberg Madsen (BioneerA/S), Trine Møller (BioneerA/S), Bjørn Holst (BioneerA/S), Kim Holmstrøm (BioneerA/S) Published in Long Non-Coding RNAs in Cancer Abstract Cancer cell spheroids are [...]

Detection of lncRNA by LNA-Based In Situ Hybridization in Paraffin-Embedded Cancer Cell Spheroids2021-08-27T10:29:27+00:00

Monocyte Infiltration and Differentiation in 3D Multicellular Spheroid Cancer Models


Monocyte Infiltration and Differentiation in 3D Multicellular Spheroid Cancer Models Authors: Natasha Helleberg Madsen (Bioneer A/S), Boye Schnack Nielsen (Bioneer A/S), Son Ly Nhat (Bioneer A/S), Søren Skov (Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University of Copenhagen), Monika Gad 1 (Bioneer A/S), Jesper Larsen (Bioneer A/S) Published in Pathogens Abstract Tumor-associated macrophages often correlate [...]

Monocyte Infiltration and Differentiation in 3D Multicellular Spheroid Cancer Models2021-08-27T10:29:43+00:00

Efficacy of a novel antimicrobial hydrogel for eradication of Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus and Cutibacterium acnes from preformed biofilm and treatment performance in an in vivo MRSA wound model


Efficacy of a novel antimicrobial hydrogel for eradication of Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus and Cutibacterium acnes from preformed biofilm and treatment performance in an in vivo MRSA wound model Authors: Troels Ronco (Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen), Maria F Aragao (Department of Veterinary [...]

Efficacy of a novel antimicrobial hydrogel for eradication of Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus and Cutibacterium acnes from preformed biofilm and treatment performance in an in vivo MRSA wound model2021-08-27T10:28:18+00:00
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